Saturday, May 8, 2010

The BIGGEST Loser Jakarta

hi.. we meet again! We have successfully survived in jakarta for 7 days and we actually start to like it here!! haha some might wonder what we have done for these couple of days.. Our daily routine in Jakarta almost the same everyday- the numero uno goal is to reduce WEIGHT!!!

We wake up every morning at 5 am everyday (6 am Malaysian time) and go to the gym. After working out for an hour we have our breakfast at Dunkin Donut! Dunkin Donut is just the shop below our apartment. And they are selling cheap breakfast meal..haha It will cost us around Rp 26,000 apprx RM 9.00 for sandwich and coffee for both of us! After sending off ezmir to the apartment lobby for a taxi to office, I will go for an aerobic.. And that's it! Our new healthy lifestyle.. browse further down for pictures! daaa....

The gymnasium @ Level 2

Nearby cozy restaurant - SERAI

Enjoying our dinner @ Serai



  1. what??5am?? haha...back at home jgn harap la nk bgn awal cenggitu! the gym!

  2. You guys are so disciplined..very good. Keep it up. :)

  3. coffee!! i miss that delish cuppa!

  4. hehe...xpew2! ktew tgk spew kurus dlu!!
